We are working on a series of different research projects on AI for GOOD, on which AI for People is open for collaborations, funding and volunteers to make them reach a more mature stage. Help us to make them become a reality!
Ongoing Projects
AI for People Podcast
A podcast about technology, society and the future with the aim of narrowing the gap between civil society and technical experts. We invite high-level experts in the field of AI to discuss different topics.
Repository of Educational Resources on AI
An ongoing collection educational resources, (e.g. Articles, Books, etc), organised into categories (e.g. Big Data, Ethics, etc).
International Conference on AI for People
The International Conference on AI for People (CAIP) provides a platform for people to present, learn and discuss the use of Artificial Intelligence for the societal good, addressing its benefits as well as its risks. The first edition (CAIP’21) focused on Sustainable AI and was held online, 20-24 November 2021.
Research Projects
AI for Mental Healthcare
Mental illnesses have reached an epidemic level over the last few years, with 1 in 4 people suspected to have a diagnosable mental illness. Mental illnesses are also the biggest contributors to the loss of life satisfaction and subjective well-being, even more so than physical illnesses.
Mapping cross-cultural visions on Artificial Intelligence
There’s a wide-range of discourse around questions of making AI more ethical. However, the social construction of the meaning of AI and all its implications are inherently biased. In order to overcome these biases this projects seeks to uncover a variety of visions on AI found in different cultures, and thus lay the groundwork for establishing more inclusive discourses conscious of the variety of perspectives.
Past Projects
Addressing Land Degradation with Satellite Data and Artificial Intelligence
We propose a project that uses Sentinel satellites data, from the European Union Copernicus Earth Observation Program, in order to monitor and control the process of land degradation, especially in remote areas.
The Digital Decameron, Developing an Understanding of your Online Identity during Covid-19
The Decameron was a medieval book, written by Giovanni Boccaccio, composed of 100 tales told by 10 people who were escaping plague-stricken Florence and who isolated themselves in a house in the countryside. Similarly, this project recounts the stories – only 10 of them – of 10 people before, during and after the Covid-19 quarantine period through their data.
Intelligent Drone Swarm for Search and Rescue Operations at Sea
In recent years, a rising numbers of people arrived in the European Union, traveling across the Mediterranean Sea or overland through Southeast Europe in what has been later named as the European migrant crisis. In the last 5 years, more than 16 thousands people have lost their lives in the Mediterranean sea during the crossing. The United Nations Secretary General Strategy on New Technologies is supporting the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics to accelerate the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, which includes safe and regular migration processes among the others. In the same spirit, the central idea of this project aims at using AI technology for Search And Rescue (SAR) operations at sea. In particular, we propose an autonomous fleet of self-organizing intelligent drones that would enable the coverage of a broader area, speeding-up the search processes and finally increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of migrants rescue operations.
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AI for People is open for collaborations, funding and volunteers to make them reach a more mature stage. Help us to make them become a reality!
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